5 Things Affecting Your HVAC Efficiency
The HVAC in your home is largely an “out of sight out of mind” system. It’s often easy to take for granted when your HVAC equipment is running like clockwork because you don’t usually hear it and it’s most often tucked away in the basement or your mechanical closet. However, when it does malfunction, or when it does have problems with efficiency, your home can get super uncomfortable in a short amount of time. Here are five things you should always be aware of to make sure your HVAC is running as efficiently as possible.
HVAC Maintenance Service Plan: Know the Importance
When it comes to regular HVAC maintenance, for many homeowners it’s a matter of “out of sight, out of mind.” Your AC unit is by far one of the hardest working appliances in your home, but it’s usually the last one you think about. Regular maintenance is essential to help your unit run at its best year-round. Keep reading and learn more about the advantages of a yearly maintenance plan from the professionals at Cox Air.
Tips for Choosing an Environmentally Friendly HVAC System
Your HVAC system likely consumes more energy than any other system or item in your home or business. A working HVAC provides heat when it’s cold and cools the inside temperature when it’s hot outside. It can also price you out of a work or living space. Choosing an environmentally friendly HVAC system will help lower your expenses and protect the environment. Here are some tips for making the right choice for an eco-friendly system.
How Often Should You Get Your Heating System Inspected?
When it comes to people, there are two types. One faithfully switches out the furnace filter at the start of each season. The other, when asked, isn’t sure if the filter was changed last year or the year before. Chances are neither has had an HVAC inspection this year. Even though the HVAC system is one of the most important in the home, getting it inspected on a regular basis seems like it’s hit-or-miss for many homeowners. If that’s you, you’re not alone. Many people figure if the system turns on and heats or cools, everything is fine. It’s not too late to start caring for your HVAC system. Here are a few tips designed to help you figure out how often yours should get an inspection.
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