The Importance of Routine Air Conditioning Maintenance
As the summer comes on, you may not think too much about your AC system. You may not have even had it serviced before the season started. However, at Cox Air, we have seen several reasons why people should always have routine maintenance done on their air conditioning system. Here are the top reasons to make sure your AC is running the way it’s supposed to.
Tips to Keep Your Home and Wallet Cool This Summer
Summer is in full swing and with it comes higher temperatures, more air conditioner usage, and higher energy bills. However, you shouldn’t need to spend a ton of money to be comfortable in your own home. Use the following techniques to keep your house cool in the summer without draining your bank account.
5 Tips to Extend the Life of Your AC
With proper care and maintenance, your air conditioning unit should last for years. However, where a lot of homeowners seem to struggle is with the proper care and maintenance part of owning an air conditioner. Fortunately, it’s not hard to do and just involves changing some of your habits and incorporating some of the following tips into your life.
How to Avoid Letting AC Affect Your Health
Your air conditioner keeps you cool and comfortable during the summer, but it comes with its drawbacks. Of course, these issues certainly don’t warrant you keeping the AC off during the hottest months of the year; doing so would make you lose sleep and can even expose you to dangerously high temperatures. However, you should take measures to prevent your AC from making you ill.
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