For the majority of the year in Pinellas County, you will find an air conditioner can help maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. If you are considering upgrading your A/C unit, you’ll want to make sure you have the best bang for your buck. By finding an energy efficient air conditioner and a professional HVAC installer you will make sure you won’t waste any energy savings.
Consider that approximately half your energy bill each month comes from your HVAC system. If your air conditioner is more than a decade old, it is operating much less efficiently than a new A/C unit. Upgrading to a model with the Energy Star logo could cut your energy bill by as much as 30 percent. The federal Energy Star program gives you the chance to not only lower your energy bill, but as it centers around energy efficiency, you’ll also be helping the environment at the same time.
You will also want to find a professional HVAC installer who is familiar with products bearing the Energy Star logo. It would be a shame to have spent time researching Energy Star certified air conditioner models only to have it installed improperly. A NATE-certified technician can also help you determine the proper A/C unit for your home, and can suggest any additional upgrades to your system.
For more expert advice about HVAC systems and the Energy Star logo, contact Cox Air Conditioning and Heating. We have been serving the Clearwater, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Palm Harbor, Trinity, and West Chase vicinity for more than 50 years.