Air conditioning can make hot weather bearable for asthma sufferers. Reduced humidity, lower levels of allergens and easy-to-breathe, cool air indoors are some of the benefits of an efficient AC system for people living with this chronic condition. If you or a member of your family experiences asthma-related symptoms, check that your AC system is working well and your indoor air is the best quality it can be.
Cooling Down
When temperatures rise outdoors, a cool home environment is pleasant and, what’s more, the air is easier to breathe. AC systems provide a comfortable home environment that reduces the risk of asthma-related wheezing or coughing. Set your AC unit to around 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and have it serviced regularly so that it’s always working efficiently.
Excluding Allergens
Turning on the air conditioning means closing windows and doors to keep the cool air inside. As a result, the amount of pollen, dust and other allergens that would otherwise drift indoors and contaminate the home environment is reduced.
Humidity levels often rise along with temperatures, which spells trouble for asthma sufferers. Humid air encourages the growth of dust mites and mold spores that can trigger an attack, but running your air conditioning lowers the moisture level in the indoor air and makes it more difficult for pathogens to thrive.
Air conditioning systems can filter allergens that pose a risk to asthma sufferers. However, not all air conditioning systems include the correct air filters. A filter rated 11 to 13 on the MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) scale removes pet allergens, mold spores and pollen. The filter must fit correctly with no gaps to be effective. Disposable filters work best, but they must be replaced at least every three months.
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